Monday, August 10, 2009

A Visual Medley

Since our last post from Dayville, all has gone swimmingly. Its odd to be able to count the number of days left on our fingures as we near the Oregon coast. Last night we camped atop of Ocohco Pass with an elevation around 5,000 ft and woke up to a bit of frost (the coldest night we've had). But after dropping a couple g's down to Prineville the temp was back into the 80's by mid day.

We'll, it has been a while since I was able to upload photos, so I thought I'd throw a some up now that I've got the chance...

A horn blast and a blessing as we departed from church in Kooskia, ID

"Enough joking around, let's get down to business."

"Jolly Green" on a rainy morning in Baker City, OR

The final state...WOW!

Jeff as he takes the turn on a switch-back.

As always, thanks for reading. We are looking forward to seeing you soon and getting to share stories with you personally!


  1. Hey guys, library guy here, just finished reading through all the back posts. Sounds like you guys have had an amazing journey. I've been wanting to do something like that for awhile, either hitchhike, backpack, or bike across america. I've been working on losing weight and trying to get in shape so I can get serious about it.

    Looks like you guys have had quite an adventure, definitely inspiring. If you read this before you make it to Astoria I recommend either getting a meal at the Wet Dog cafe or Pizza Schmizza while you're there. Wet Dog has lots of burgers and great local beer. Pizza Schmizza has lots of weird pizzas you'll probably never see anywhere else.

    Ride the trolley while you're there too. Costs a buck per person and you get to learn the history of the town.

    Stay away from sea lions. They bite. :]


  2. And when I say bite I don't mean nibble. I mean you won't be biking again.
