Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Mail Time... for the last time :(

Attention those of you interested in sending us, the Zoo cyclists mail. I have good news and bad news.

The good news - another Mail Drop!!!!
The bad - this will be the last time you get to send us mail, unless some unforeseen circumstances arise.

Any who, last time we had a little hiccup in our estimated time of arrival back in Kansas (whoopsies!!) We still received the goods (via a heroic 3 days of riding by Doug Arms) and we were pleased beyond belief. Thank you SO MUCH SO MUCH for all that was sent out. All was greatly appreciated and enjoyed (and some items are still being enjoyed!).

This time, however, we are definitely gonna be in Missoula, Montana on Thursday, the 30th of July. We have been f0llowing Bikenberry (guide book written by Donna Ikenberry a.k.a. Bikenberry) pretty much day by day and we plan on doing so for the remainder of the trip. And though she has led us astray (the book was last copyrighted in 2001) a handful of times, I have faith that she will bring us to Missoula on the 30th.

General Delivery C/O Ross Chillcoat <-- or other zoomate, but please use a real name
Missoula Post Office
200 E Broadway St
Missoula, MT 59802

Items of desire (though not limited to these):
- Beef Jerky
- Sunflower Seeds (Boss and Pick can't get enough)
- Letters of adoration
- Baked goods (cookies are easy to carry and devour)
- Dried pineapple
- Polaroid Camera (Jeff still has a hankering for one if available, again no purchases necessary, only send if currently owned and not used)

We are looking forward to receiving some goodies one last time as it has provided us with comfort, joy and happiness the last few times. Thanks so much for keeping up with us on our journey!!!

1 comment:

  1. you spelled ross's last name wrong, you had me second guessing myself pick! I think your head is getting all confused out there..we should set a date for boggle to get you back on track!
