Friday, July 3, 2009

The Treck Across Kansas

(please excuse any typos/unclear sentences. These blogs are suposed to be sort of stream of consiousness anyways, right?)

It has been a while since we've had an opportunity to hop on the internet for an update. A lot has happened over the past week and a half - too much to write about in one post. But I'll try to fill y'all in a bit on the happenings by explaining the below pictures...

Pick, Ross, Dave and I had some time to chill in the cool little town of Eminence, MI. We descided to go for a float through one of the river rafting services in the town. We rented tubes and took a 4 hour float - which proved to be quite interesting (full stories to come later). I caught this crawfish trying to crawl up my shorts.

There happend to be two "detours" along the route due to road maintance. Undaunted, we charged ahead and figured things would work out for us...which they did. The first was as easy as weaving between a few road blocks like the one above. The second required dodging a few heavy equipment machines.

This next picture will mean more to some of you and to others. Jeff's long time friend from Roanoke, Charlie, happened to be biking the Trans Am this summer, west to east. We had been keeping an eye out for him and our paths finally crossed a couple days ago.

Continuing on, We caught a pre 4th of July fire works show. We meet some wonderful folks while we where there, and had a great time chatting it up. I borrowed a tripod and snaped a few photos.
In pressing news, Pick and Jeff bought cowboy hats. They look rediculous, but kind of sweet.

Once we hit Kanasas, things flattend out...big time. We got a draft line going and made great time our first day in the Sunflower state. It is amazing to look out at the horizon and actually see the curvature of the earth. It is a very different feel than the mountains of Virginia and Kentucky. The real opsticale out here are not elevation changes, but the pesky prevailing wind from the west. The sky seems bigger, but that might be becuase there is not much else to look at.

Okay, so everything seems to be moving along pretty routinly, UNTIL, we looked ahead a couple days on the map and realized that our course must be alterd according to the schedule of the US Mail system. It was Tuesday afternoon, and we where sitting in the gas station/convience store/town center/reasurant/only place open in town when we started talking about plans for the next few days. Many of you had sent thoughtful packages to a post office in Alexander KS (pop. 75). According present course, we would be arriving in Alexander on Saturday, the 4th of July that is, meaning the P.O. would be closed.

We where at a cross roads. Either we picked up the pace or put on the breaks. Discussion ensued, and a descision was made - one of us was to ride, ride like the wind. I volunteered for the treck. Below are a few pics I snapped along the way...

This morning I arrive in Alexander, HURRAY! I did a double century ride on wednesday (5am wed - 1 am thrus). After that I had time to cruise, doing 55 yesterday, and a cool 45 this morning. It was great to finally arrive, and even better to find nearly a dozen packages waiting for me. Thanks so much!!!
So that pretty much brings us up the present. My cousin Ashley and her friend Karisa drove up from Norman, Oklahoma to get lunch with me today, which was AWESOME. Now I'm basically chilling for a day until the rest of the gang catches up (I'm expencting to see them some time tomorrow). I've heard a rumor of a pool in town, so I'm gonna have to get out of the library and go check into that.
The trip continues to be an incredible adventure. Thanks for following along!

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